
Topics are available for theses (B.Sc./B.Ed./M.Sc./M.Ed.) and project studies (M.Sc.) regularly which we draw from our current research and teaching projects in the subjects of soil science, organic and inorganic geochemistry, geo- as well as bioarchaeology. Additionally, co-authorships in scientific publications may be possible. We encourage you to browse our projects, focuses, and people sections and seek out a personal meeting with us to explore your opportunities. We are looking forward to you!

Currently available topics for bachelor theses

Soil geographic characterization of the Lenneberg Forest and the Ober-Olmer Forest with regard to ecological properties (based on 6 soil profiles)

On small-scale and soil-geographical site characterization in relation to the vitality of tree individuals (Frankfurt area, AG Prof. Dr. Esper)

Heterogeneity of lipid distribution on surfaces of archaeological ceramic vessels based on cooking experiments in modern replicas

Currently available topics for master theses

Late Pleistocene landscape and cultural development of a small region in Central Europe: Döbritzer Schweiz (Saale-Orla-Kreis, Thuringia) MSc_Spätpleistozäne Landschaft

Vegetation and fecal biomarker analyses to investigate the human influence on landscape development in northern Poland (Northern Krajna Lakeland) MSc_Lipid_Biomarker_Ostrowite

Grain marker analyses (e.g. Miliacin) for the investigation of prehistoric agriculture in the northern Alpine foreland (SW Germany) MSc_Miliacin_N_Alpenvorland

Methodical optimization of Soxhlet extraction for the analysis of fecal biomarkers and n-alkanes under consideration of economic aspects (time, solvent consumption)

Weathering indices and pedogenic oxides on dated colluvia: Deciphering phases of soil formation and sedimentation in SW Germany

Catalytic processes of the thermal decomposition of lipids: Investigation of stable decomposition products in archaeological ceramics

Method development for the extraction of amino acids from archaeological pottery

Current theses and project studies

Sebastian Schwunn (project study): Pedological characterization of the Goloring, one of the most important Iron Age ring sites in Rhineland-Palatinate (in cooperation with Bodendenkmalpflege Rheinland-Pfalz)

Joschua Keller (Bachelor thesis): On the vitality of oak individuals under consideration of small-scale, soil-geographical characteristics in the Lenneberg Forest (in cooperation with Landesforsten)